Unlimited Web Hosting Packages Available ? Buy Now & Get Special Discount
Unlimited Web Hosting Packages Available ? Buy Now & Get Special Discount

What is Web Hosting?
In basic terms, Web Hosting is where your website actually lives. Or to get slightly more fancy about it: a website is a collection of files that exist on a server connected to the internet and accessible to be viewed via a web browser. When someone visits the given domain, these website files are displayed within the web browser as the actual website. When you combine the website files with the hosting server and a properly-pointed domain, you have all the ingredients necessary for a website to be visible online. And that, in a nutshell, is web hosting.
What is Shared Web Hosting?
Shared web hosting is simply when one server hosts multiple customers. This is the most common and cost-effective option for web hosting, and something we excel at truth is told. Our Web Hosting Companies servers are configured for maximum security and performance relative to the number of customers, and types of websites are hosted. In other words, there?s no need to give any thought to the other websites on the same server as you; we?ve got all that handled.
Shared Web Hosting Vs Cloud Web Hosting
The primary difference between shared vs. cloud hosting is that on cloud hosting the website files actually exist on multiple servers, these servers themselves are also shared so it?s kinda-sorta like having multiple, duplicate shared hosting accounts. The reason is that with shared hosting if the one server goes down, the websites become unavailable, but with cloud hosting, if one server goes down then the other cloud servers ensure that the websites remain available online.
Which Hosting Plan is Right for me
It basically works like this: if you intend to conduct eCommerce on your website, accepting credit cards, and selling goods or services, then you need the Business plan. If you don?t need eCommerce functionality, but do intend to host more than one domain, then Web Hosting in Lahore should be perfect for you. If your intention is to host a single domain without eCommerce, then the Hatchling plan should meet your needs. It?s really just those 3 factors that determine the best plan for you.
What is Domain Vs Hosting?
In order to have a website live on the internet, you will need both web hosting and a domain name. Both of these things can (and do) exist independently of each other, though it is generally considered universal to employ both in order to have an actual website. Metaphorically, let?s say you want to invite people to a party (your website). Your party is at a location, such as your house or apartment (web hosting). In order for people to know how to get to a specific location, you must provide them with an address (domain name). So, Web Hosting Lahore
is the actual server space where your website files live, and a domain name is the address visitors need in order to view these files as your website. You can have a domain without a website, and you can have a website without a domain name, but to truly benefit from having either in the traditional sense, you actually need both working together.
Some Top Features When It Comes to Top Hosting Quality
Hosting quality is affected by several factors that are important to weigh during your decision-making process. Some of the most significant ones include:
Uptime Guarantee
We mention this in more detail below, and really it?s one of the most important factors to consider, so don?t skimp on uptime. BeTec Host has one of the best uptime guarantees at 99.98%.
Load Time
Load time is also really important. Recent studies show that the average attention span has shrunk over the years to smaller than that of a goldfish! So, if your website takes even a drop too long to load a page, your business is dead before it?s even started. To keep yourself in the running, be sure your hosting service has a fast load time. Cheap Web Host will deliver a 360ml load time for pages, the fastest in the industry.
Customer Support
Because having an issue with your website is nothing to take lightly, you want to make sure customer service is available, knowledgeable, and easy to work with. More on this below.
The number of servers and location plays a huge part in the speed of your website loading and service. Obviously, the more servers available, the faster the service, but where those servers are found in the world will also affect the quality. Look for servers in substantial locations close to you such as the UK, US, or Israel depending on your location.
Visit BeTec Host ? a Well-known Web Hosting Company that Provides you cheap and professional Web Hosting Packages.
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